Sunday, June 8, 2014




This is a spiritual perspective on what is happening in Libya, Iraq & Syria and around the world right now. Many new changes are happening in the world right now and it all started with a change in the majority of the population on earth. When ever the majority of the souls on earth, have had enough of the suffering of the past and make a better decision about a thing, then God moves in to assist in accomplishing the desired result, however God Spirit always works through the souls in embodiment to accomplish spiritual goals. At some point in time, the majority of the souls on earth, decided that it was no longer acceptable to have destructive world dictators controlling, with an iron fist, countries and all of the souls therein. At this point in time, God and the Kingdom of God, moved in to assist with the necessary changes on earth, to bring the earth in line, with the will of the collective majority of the souls on our planet.

Then begins the process of the people rising up in their individual countries, to take their freedom back. They first had to be sick and tired of the continuous dictatorships and become willing to do what ever it takes to make the desired changes in their countries, to bring in a new system of democracy. When the strong desire for freedom materializes in the people, then the spiritual realm moves in to help as this direction of freedom is in direct line with Gods will for His people on earth.

However because the people originally allowed the many dictators to take power in their countries and to rule with an iron hand, the changing to a democratic system, will be very difficult and will take many sacrifices by the people of the country. If they would never have allowed it, the change to democracy would have been relatively easy, but the people did allow it to happen in their Countries and for a very long time, which makes the change to the better, more difficult.

This process of change is a rise of consciousness of the people that will expand their consciousness for the future. Only low conscious beings that are spiritually asleep would allow such a thing to happen as the rise to power of a dictatorship in their country. Dictatorship is a slap in the face of freedom and individual rights for individual souls. Dictatorship will never stand forever, its days are always numbered on the earth, regardless of how strong it appears to be in the natural world, because freedom will always come, at some point in time. This has to be in order for the souls on earth to expand into higher God consciousness which must come eventually in any group of souls on earth, where ever they decided to live.

Countries like Libya and Syria had to sacrifice many lives and to suffer the destruction of their cities to possible end the rule of Dictators in their countries. These types of civil wars bring immediately to the surface, souls that have not grown much from the barbaric, kill or be killed mentality, that comes from many previous lives of being a warrior in many different war conditions of that time, in previous embodiment's. Spiritually they needed to come out of this barbaric consciousness but many have refused to move up higher spiritually and are still stuck in this lower level consciousness. These being the first ones to come forth in a civil war, also become the first martyrs give their lives for their country or for their freedom. This accomplishes many things from a spiritual perspective. It removes the lowest levels of consciousness from embodiment, souls that have never grown out of the acceptability to kill other brothers and sisters for their own perceived purposes. The process removes them from embodiment and then they can reincarnate again at a later time, when the country is free and is established in democracy, showing them, from a small child that to kill other souls is unacceptable and so the whole area moves to an established higher level of consciousness. These first individuals that enter the war, if they had not been killed and they won the war, would have only become another dictatorship, only trading one dictatorship for the other.

However, eventually other souls take over in the war, souls who did not want to fight, did not want to kill anyone, but felt that they did not have any choice, but to kill other souls to complete their quest for freedom and democracy. These souls then, when the war is won, become the new government and the area and souls all rise to a higher state of consciousness, fulfilling the spiritual quest to raise the souls up higher into a new state of spiritual conscious awareness. This process then accomplishes two very important things, bringing freedom to the people and raising the consciousness of the people in one full sweep. This process will happen all over the world until democracy eventual comes to every country, regardless of how long it takes to complete the transformation.

Another very large issue that souls on the planet, no longer find acceptable, is the abuse of wealth and power  in governments, whether democratic or dictatorships, in big business, in financial institutions, in religious organizations and many other organizations of the world that exploit their power and abuse the innocent souls that put their trust in them. These kingdoms of man or of the natural world, must all come down from their golden towers of human effort that try to deceive an unsuspecting public and rape the countries of their resources and exploit their financial power and break the trust agreement between themselves and the unsuspecting public.

The people of the world have decided that these abusers are no longer acceptable and people will do whatever is necessary to correct these organizations and bring trust worthiness back to the organizations of the world. God and the Kingdom of God are now intervening and working on behalf of the souls in the world, to assist in correcting these situations that are operating outside the will of pure God. This clean up of the world will now continue until it is complete and the organizations and individuals either choose to change their ways or are brought down, back into the control of the people, organizations often forget that in a democracy, the people rule. This is the only way to a good and sustaining future for all.   

Let us all work together for a better world for everyone !!!!


Over the period of 35 years, the world of Divine has been showing me about the real serious problems on planet earth that need to be corrected. The criminals, wars, the violence, the rape and murder on earth are serious, but are relatively small now and not as serious as the problem that is most devastating to the whole world. The hatred, the anger, judgment, condemnation and criticism are even more serious problems, as there are more people on earth entrapped by these debilitating and destructive attitudes, but not as serious as the problem that is most devastating to the whole world. These destructive and debilitating attitudes of consciousness, cause negative energy to build up upon the earth and within the earth that eventually has to be balanced and dissipated and we see this happening in what we call natural disasters. The forces of the four elements cannot allow forever this negative energy to pull down all that is good, so at certain times the earth throws off this negative energy in the form of natural disasters, this brings balance and peace back to the earth in the form of good or qualified energy.
I have been praying to Almighty God for the last seven years intensively every day, for the liberation of all of my brothers and sisters on planet earth. For their freedom from the most serious of all problems on the earth, the power elite on planet earth, the wealthy, the dominators, the controllers, the deceivers, the manipulators that control planet earth and most all that is on planet earth. These are the most dangerous because they are hidden from view, they are secret societies, they are virtually invisible to the rest of the souls on earth. Because they are hidden, they are very difficult to recognize and thus do something about. They are the ones who are driven by selfishness and greed and will stop at nothing to maintain their unlawfully gained financial kingdoms, to preserve and further prosper themselves and their kingdoms. The power elite control the entire world of commerce and wealth, all in secrecy, invisible to the general population. This criminal activity has been on the earth since the beginning of time, however much more intensively in the last 200 years on earth and super intensively in the last 80 years.
The general part of the souls on earth are pure, loving and innocent, all made in the image of God with wonderful God qualities. Because they are all basically good and all basically honest, they can easily be taken advantage of by very aggressive and self serving groups that organize their criminality into empires and financial kingdoms that have raped the planet of its resources. The bible says that the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force. It is the non aggressive, the good ones and the honest ones, the majority that suffer through this violence, because they are good and trusting and because they are generally non-violent and do not use force to get what they want. This is the meek that the bible says, will inherit the earth in the end.
Since the beginning of time the violent have been selfishly taking things by force, starting right in the beginning of a new line of spiritual beings on earth, that we all understand a the Adamic line of souls in the well known Garden of Eden, which really is just a pure and good understanding of Divine wisdom. Cain killed his brother Able and down went the race of new spiritual beings into the density of this physical world. There had been souls on the planet for millions of years, however they were in a very low state of density and the Adamic line was started to bring spiritual assistance to the world. However the low density of the souls on the planet caused a density of negative energy in the atmosphere which ultimately influenced Cain to become jealous, angry and then violence to take the life of his own biological brother, of whom were friends since birth. Since then the world has been living in density, violence and suffering and the violent take everything by force. So it continues today.
As the population of the world has grown, almost seven billion souls and the physical world has expanded, it has only expanded the capabilities of the power elite, to deceive, to manipulate and to control and to take all things from the meek by force. The present day power elite on our planet come in the form of dictators, kings, presidents, business people, board members, financiers, bankers, owners, big business, governments, sports organizations, religious organizations, basically all positions of wealth and power in our world of form.
In the bible any kind of manipulation or control of other souls is recognized as witchcraft for they used secrecy and fear to control their victims, similar to the power elite of today. The dark forces would not stand long in a world unless they were able to adapt there sinister ways to new situations and new circumstances. They recognized their past openness had caused their ultimate destruction and became more cunning in their ways. Dark forces first control people, than they further promote their destructive ways by controlling other people through their selected leaders. There are now more warlocks and witches in the power elite on our planet, than ever before in the history of our world. They do not openly display their wares like in the ages of the past, they now find more success in secrecy. This is the dark kingdom that needs to be brought down for the planet to again prosper in the spiritual world of God. As souls on the planet, we all allowed it to happen and together we must work together to put an end to it.
The country of Haiti recently decided that the religious leaders of their country were leading them in the wrong direction and the people rose up and put a stop to it. That was done in a violent way, after the souls in Haiti suffered for so long under disaster after disaster and finally went too far in correcting the problem, by becoming violent criminals themselves. If they would have corrected the problem before it got to astronomical proportions, it maybe could have been handled in a better way with non-violence.
Now, before we go too far, we must recognize that there are many good, sincere and pure souls that work in the kingdoms of the power elite, who believe they are doing a good work and are not at the controls but are only pawns for the kingdoms of the power elite. It is the power elite behind the scenes and many leaders that need correction on our planet.
Planet earth has entered into a new Golden Age and needed corrections all over the planet are in process and many more to begin. God and the kingdom of God will support the good souls of this planet in their new quests to be free. It is now time in cosmic law to bring freedom and democracy to all countries of the world, the great blessing of God in this Golden Age. God and His Kingdom are in full support of this process of freedom and democracy for the world.
However we as the souls on this planet have created these conditions on earth and so we must gather together, request assistance from God and His Kingdom and make the needed corrections in our world. When the majority of the souls on planet earth decide that something on earth that is wrong, is no longer acceptable, than the Kingdom of God will assist in removing it from our planet. However it is very important that it all be done in a non-violent way, according to the laws of God, and as a result not create more unnecessary problems in the process. Planet earth belongs to all of the souls on it, and not to just a select few and the people need to rise up and take back their world and re-establish the world on the spiritual principles of God. These spiritual principles will make the planet become self sustainable for the future, governed by the spiritual laws of God that are in the universe to protect us and make us all ultimately successful in all that we do.
Many different phases and colors of Divine light are being projected down to the earth from the ascended realm of the spiritual Kingdom of God. These additional rays of light and additional angelic beings are released by the Kingdom of God to assist in making necessary changes on planet earth in this Golden Age. This will intensify greatly in 2012 and their will be so many changes on the earth that it will look like a different planet. The dark ages of the past will eventually be forgotten as the even darker ages of the past have been forgotten and the world and all of the dear souls on it will enter into a higher form of Divine living.
There is a very beautiful increase in beautiful brilliant white light and it is being released to the planet now and will increase in the new year of 2012. This is being sent by the ascended octave, by many ascended beings, from the ascended realm and to the entire planet. Within the white ray, that is being released, the essence and purity of God prevails, and is being sent to planet earth and all of the souls on it. The white ray of God, has within it, all of the rays or colors of light, within the Divine light spectrum.
We all only need to receive this new energy in humility and surrender to take part in this new spiritual dispensation for planet earth. The humble and meek shall inherit the earth.